Trespa & Silbonit Maintenance Solution for Woody Retreat on Lake Washington

Owner’s problem: Improper stucco installation and the stucco is leaking. Since he bought the house, the owner has done ‘band-aid’ fixes, but knows he needs to tear it off and re-clad the house. Also, all the roof drains were run internally and there has been problems with them leaking in the walls.

Our solution: We put together a design using pre-finished composite siding materials that will effectively eliminate maintenance. We re-designed the roof slope to create new external drain lines in order to abandon the ones currently in the walls. We designed three new awnings; since two awnings were removed from the scope and the one that remains is at the entry. We designed and have provided a preliminary section detail for new pedestal paver waterproof deck systems.


“I just wanted to express my gratitude for the excellent work Synapse did for my home. The finished product exceeded my expectations. The constant professionalism, attention to detail, overall thoroughness, and willingness to accommodate unusual issues, on the fly, was a sigh of relief. Many companies would have ignored what Synapse proudly and willfully faced head on, and accomplished. I look forward to working with them on the next project! ”

Ben D.
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